T.O.S - Terms of Service
Before commissioning me, you will have to agree with my T.O.S. / Terms of Service.
Please read carefully (and multiple times) before you commission something from me!
Payment process:
The payment will be made through Paypal invoice.
Sketch approval and changes process:
Make sure you have enough references (pictures/videos) when commissioning me, I don't design things over messy text.
- English is not my native language, so it will be hard for me to translate it or understand it properly;
- please take this into account before commissioning me.Before the payment or shortly after, I will send a sketch featuring the requested composition with the requested character, so you can approve it or give feedback to it
- in case I need to fix certain details or you need to mention me stuff before line-art / color.After approving it, I will ask you to send the payment in order for me to continue it.I will send wips (work in progress pictures) when I’m working on the commission - beware I work on multiple projects, check the queue for status before private messages.After I’m done with the commission, I will send the image with it's versions via dropbox link.Do not ask me to change the whole piece in case you got bored of the idea / took too long for you to be excited for the piece.Nitpicking is 2 times allowed - 3rd or more , you have to pay 25 USD for each change! Please limit your changes or write carefully your changes so I can easily understand.
I don’t do private commissions!
Refunds process:
After approved sketch, I give only 50% refund.After approved line - art and first base colors , even a bit of shading - no refund.
Please understand that time has been consumed over the piece with all it's research, time and work on it as well.If any refund from above happens = blacklist , you won't be able to commission from me in the future.For multiple projects, check the queue for status before private messages.After I’m done with the commission, I will send the image with it's versions via dropbox link.Do not ask me to change the whole piece in case you got bored of the idea/ took too long for you to be excited for the piece.Nitpicking is 2 times allowed - 3rd or more , you have to pay 25 USD for each change! Please limit your changes or write carefully your changes so I can easily understand.
Enough for feedback and doodle + back and forth communication much faster than usualI can take 1-5 deadline doodle per month only! - such commissions will have a title date on it with "fast fee" and such writtenBut for overall commissions, if you DO need it on a certain date, please say it at the beginning of the commission to see if I can fit it in my schedule or not, if the time is over 36 days , there is a chance to accept and make it on time
but I have to know before the info not after it.What I will need for such deadline , is to remind me Thursday/Friday if I did a bit more progress to it.
Example: " Hey Gabs, have you continued a bit more on the artwork since it has to be done in date x? Can I get a poke next week on x day since I'm a bit more free then for feedback? Just a reminder that's all "Such approach helps me also to make sure I can focus on the important deadline and not freak/stress out ( not a lot at least )but I need time to process and make sure it properly prepared for further feedback! a nextday work wont be done!I wont drop my other works for the sake to finish other if I am not given the chance to prep the commission for proper info/talk/brainstorm etc
I will not feel ok when deadline was wrongly miss-communicated to me and I will work with the first date told!If you want me to respect the said deadline - limited nitpicking!
Changes = more time added
RUSH/DEADLINE days fee options:
Priority over normal and patreon commission - also patreon discount is not applied on the deadline/rush feedone in 5 WORKING days = + 350 USD
done in 10 WORKING day = + 250 USD
done in 15 WORKING days = + 200 USD
done in 25 WORKING day = + 196 USD
done in 30 WORKING days = + 120 USD
done in 35 WORKING days = + 69 USD
done in 40 WORKING days = + 50USDworking day/s = days from Monday to Friday - there will be exceptions where in case I am unable to work during the week, to work for it in the weekend
Before commissioning me, you will have to agree with my T.O.S. / Terms of Service.
Please read carefully (and multiple times) before you commission something from me!