T.O.S - Terms of Service

Before commissioning me, you will have to agree with my T.O.S. / Terms of Service.
Please read carefully (and multiple times) before you commission something from me!

Payment process:

The payment will be made through Paypal invoice. for the moment the only one I acceptI do accept payment plans for character reference sheet commissions. that go over 300+ USD.Payment is due within 24-hours of the invoice being sent unless otherwise discussed; non-payment will result in the commission being canceled.I have the right to refuse your commission.By purchasing any of my services, you automatically agree with my T.O.S.

Sketch approval and changes process:

Make sure you have enough references (pictures/videos) when commissioning me, I don't design things over messy text.
- English is not my native language, so it will be hard for me to translate it or understand it properly;
- please take this into account before commissioning me.
Before the payment or shortly after, I will send a sketch featuring the requested composition with the requested character, so you can approve it or give feedback to it
- in case I need to fix certain details or you need to mention me stuff before line-art / color.
After approving it, I will ask you to send the payment in order for me to continue it.I will send wips (work in progress pictures) when I’m working on the commission - beware I work on multiple projects, check the queue for status before private messages.After I’m done with the commission, I will send the image with it's versions via dropbox link.Do not ask me to change the whole piece in case you got bored of the idea / took too long for you to be excited for the piece.Nitpicking is 2 times allowed - 3rd or more , you have to pay 25 USD for each change! Please limit your changes or write carefully your changes so I can easily understand.

I don’t do private commissions!

Refunds process:

After approved sketch, I give only 50% refund.After approved line - art and first base colors , even a bit of shading - no refund.
Please understand that time has been consumed over the piece with all it's research, time and work on it as well.
If any refund from above happens = blacklist , you won't be able to commission from me in the future.For multiple projects, check the queue for status before private messages.After I’m done with the commission, I will send the image with it's versions via dropbox link.Do not ask me to change the whole piece in case you got bored of the idea/ took too long for you to be excited for the piece.Nitpicking is 2 times allowed - 3rd or more , you have to pay 25 USD for each change! Please limit your changes or write carefully your changes so I can easily understand.


Enough for feedback and doodle + back and forth communication much faster than usualI can take 1-5 deadline doodle per month only! - such commissions will have a title date on it with "fast fee" and such writtenBut for overall commissions, if you DO need it on a certain date, please say it at the beginning of the commission to see if I can fit it in my schedule or not, if the time is over 36 days , there is a chance to accept and make it on time
but I have to know before the info not after it.
What I will need for such deadline , is to remind me Thursday/Friday if I did a bit more progress to it.
Example: " Hey Gabs, have you continued a bit more on the artwork since it has to be done in date x? Can I get a poke next week on x day since I'm a bit more free then for feedback? Just a reminder that's all "
Such approach helps me also to make sure I can focus on the important deadline and not freak/stress out ( not a lot at least )but I need time to process and make sure it properly prepared for further feedback! a nextday work wont be done!I wont drop my other works for the sake to finish other if I am not given the chance to prep the commission for proper info/talk/brainstorm etc
it happened to me many times, and it risked my creative process a lot
If I get the info that the deadline was wrong, that's not on me, please don't rush me for such mistake!
I will not feel ok when deadline was wrongly miss-communicated to me and I will work with the first date told!
If you want me to respect the said deadline - limited nitpicking!
Changes = more time added

RUSH/DEADLINE days fee options:

Priority over normal and patreon commission - also patreon discount is not applied on the deadline/rush feedone in 5 WORKING days = + 350 USD
done in 10 WORKING day = + 250 USD
done in 15 WORKING days = + 200 USD
done in 25 WORKING day = + 196 USD
done in 30 WORKING days = + 120 USD
done in 35 WORKING days = + 69 USD
done in 40 WORKING days = + 50USD
working day/s = days from Monday to Friday - there will be exceptions where in case I am unable to work during the week, to work for it in the weekend

Before commissioning me, you will have to agree with my T.O.S. / Terms of Service.
Please read carefully (and multiple times) before you commission something from me!